It is with great pleasure we announce that our company achieved the ISO 45001: 2018 and ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System certification. We are grateful for everyone who was involved in making this happen. Congratulations!
The school built at Amaro near Ambo town in memory of Mrs. Kumeshi Sintayehu, the General Manager’s mother, has been officially inaugurated on June 12th, 2021. Congratulations to the students, teachers, staff members, and to the community who are now able to Read More
Nothing we do is possible without the tireless efforts of our hardworking employees, both from the head office and the project sites. They have enjoyed witnessing first-hand the fruit of their work. As a thank you, our company has treated them to Read More
Qille (Gorge) Qanani , located in West Arsi Zone, Siraro Woreda, has now changed its name to Dirre (Flat Surface) Qanani as our company has built a bridge and an approach road. This significantly solved the problems of the local and surrounding Read More
The Ifa Boru Washa Secondary School, located in West Arsi Zone, Adabba Woreda, was inaugurated on the 7th of June 2021. Our company finished this project before the deadline and up to the required standards. It’s a pleasure for us to be Read More
The Bulbula Industrial Park was inaugurated on Saturday the 8th of May, and we are glad we took part in this project that aims on bringing significant change to the country’s economy.
A certificate of appreciation received from Alle Bejmla
A certificate of appreciation received from Oromia Region Bureau of Revenue
Letter of Appreciation Received from RAFIK Foundation