Qille Qanani Project Inauguration

Qille (Gorge) Qanani , located in West Arsi Zone, Siraro Woreda, has now changed its name to Dirre (Flat Surface) Qanani as our company has built a bridge and an approach road. This significantly solved the problems of the local and surrounding communities by simplifying its accessibility. Prior to building this bridge, people used to have a hard time crossing the 80 meters deep gorge which led to several fatalities; like the tragic incident where 20 young girls were swept away by a sudden flood while crossing the gorge all at the same time. Now, this has been resolved and the project has been inaugurated on the 8th of June 2021.
Being involved in this historical bridge which is unique in its design, and witnessing the huge positive impact it has on the community is very fulfilling and a great honor for our company. We would like to extend our many thanks to our dedicated project staff at this site and everyone who has supported us in this journey.

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